sobota, 24 grudnia 2011

Merry Christmas

Hi there,

There's so many blogs already, but people seem to be so much happier when having one... let's say that's why I've decided to create one as well.

Honestly, I've been inspired by two bloggers especially: XiaXue and Cheeserland.
I'm not gonna copy them or anything, it's just the essence of them I like (sounding like Yoda xD) anyways...
XiaXue inspired me by talking about how she started her whole blog - trying to find a place for kind of a diary, where nobody can actually 'destroy' it.
Although it is on the web, seems like it's a secret place for posting your thoughts. Secret? You may ask. Em.. If you come back to the fact that there's so many blogs already, it might be hard to find yours or mine :)

Personally, I need a place to save my thoughts without the hussle of trying to keep track of all the paper-based diarys I used to have.
I often find myself thinking about something and not being sure if I should share it with someone or not. Here at least I don't have to worry about this. It's up to you if you read it... well... you would have to find it first :P

Cheese from Cheeserland on the other hand tends to blogg about anything she finds interesting (or not even XD) and I just love her oh-this-is-useless-who-cares attitude <3 Not that I'm ignorant or anything of this sort, I just think it's funny, but in a good way. I love reading her blog, it cheers me up :) I've decided to create a blog today (right now being Christmas Eve) because I don't like participating in Christian holidays >.< it's all so fake.

Additionally I've been thinking about new year's resolutions and I did not want to have ones that I would never actually bother to do; me spending a lot of my time on the web anyways gives me perfect opportunity to blog.

So, WELCOME to my wolrd :) XXX

(Please excuse in advance my spelling, english is not my first language).